Sunday, April 18, 2010

In Limbo

Seeking Justice event overview:

So the event went well to what I think was a moderate success; we sold a painting, raffle tickets and the speakers were all incredible. Thank you to Starbucks and all the other who donated for our raffle. I have to admit though that the event should have tried to gear it towards a younger target audience because it would have had a bigger turn out.

Upcoming events to think about:

Right now I'm on my last week of school (yay) and then I graduate! (Hear I come world) so not a lot planned however these have been on the back burner so watch out for them!

  • Fashion Faux Paws (A charity fashion show with all proceeds going towards an animal shelter) - If you want to help, are a fashion designer or have any suggestions for where to donate please message me
  • Music for Meds 3 (The third charity concert with all proceeds going to a hospital in the GTA) - If you have any requests for a hospital to help, or are in a band and would like to play let me know
  • 1st annual amateur short film festival - If you have any tips and tricks on how to set one up that would be awesome
  • Art show fundraiser in conjunction with the CCIJ - Please let me know if you would like to donate art

This is going to be a great summer and I would love to know if anyone out there would like to volunteer and help. Also, if you are running an event in the GTA please let me know and I'll come and review your event as well as put up advertising and spread the word for you FOR FREE!

Thanks guys,


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